Category: Leadership

  • Preventing Burnout: a literature survey research series

    Or read it like a paper Overview: How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout Survey of Literature Principle #1: Build engagement through company culture. Survey of Literature Principle #2: Guard against distress and utilize stress as a tool for growth. Survey of Literature Principle #3: Learn to manage energy. Interview: Insights from an experienced leader […]

  • Key Points from How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. I have decided not to publish the conclusion from my paper, instead I am supplying a bulleted list of key points. Each of these key points could be a book or blog post in […]

  • Build engagement through company culture

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. The premise for principle one is this: there are no quick-fix solutions. All attempts to prevent burnout need to come from a long-term plan that helps employees become passionate about their work. A key to […]

  • The six areas of job-person mismatch

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. Appendix C: The six areas of job-person mismatch A conceptual framework for the crises that disrupt the relationships people develop with their work. “Each area of mismatch has a distinct relationship with burnout and engagement.” (Cooper, […]

  • Not all stress is bad stress

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. Stress is a beneficial component of personal development; this is “good” stress. However, too much stress can also lead to distress, which leads to burn out. Signs of distress can be subtle, but early intervention […]

  • Prevent burnout by managing energy

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout.  This post contains the portion of my research that focuses on what a leader can do to manage energy, but it barely scratches the surface on what I think is the key to burnout prevention: […]

  • Preventing burnout: Insights from an experienced leader

    A requirement for my capstone research project on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout required an interview. The interview focused on how this specific leader increases employee engagement, manages the stress load of his team and models healthy behaviors and attitudes. In the interview, it quickly became apparent that the leader had developed a division […]

  • The seven aspects of burnout

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. Appendix B: The seven aspects of burnout Since the 1980s there has been a massive explosion in social scientific research on the subject [of burnout]. Schaufeli and Enzman estimated that over 50 research dissertations […]

  • An Overview of Burnout

    This is part of a series publishing portions of a research paper on How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. Appendix A: An overview of burnout from Preventive Stress Management in Organizations:             Burnout, a concept dating to the late 1970s (Maslach, 1978), is a chronic pattern of negative affective responses that can result […]

  • How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout

    While completing my Bachelor’s of Science in Organizational Leadership I was required to produce a capstone research project. The subject I selected was How a Leader Maintains High Productivity Without Team Burnout. This material was relevant when I researched it in 2011; It is even more relevant now as I enter the nursing profession six years […]