Organization Posts
Organization tips and tricks Getting stuff done: how to organize tasks and stay focused Effective meetings & effective note-taking Don’t let papers over-run your life: file organization Organization apps; Feel more in control of your life
Project Management Posts
Overcoming roadblocks Two steps to making decisions on projects The one thing that never fails… emergencies Project Management and Rapid Redirection 4 skills to help young leaders succeed Organization & Project Managment Effective meetings & effective note-taking Getting stuff done: how to organize tasks and stay focused Excel for Project Managers Using Excel for Project […]
Unemployed in Washington? Here’s some useful resources.
Losing a job, or finding yourself unemployed can be a confusing, self-esteem-destroying experience. You may feel lost in a sea of uncertainty. You may be asking yourself “How will I pay my rent or mortgage?” “How will I afford groceries next week?” or “Where am I going to find a job?” You are not alone. There […]
Excel Tips & Tricks
Excel Tips & Tricks: My favorite formulas & features vlookup formula in Excel for Mac Using Excel for Project Planning Using Excel for Resource Planning How to copy an entire Excel worksheet (on Excel for Mac) Adding Commands to Excel Quick Access Toolbar (Excel for PC) MOST POPULAR POST: How to Freeze Panes in Excel for Mac