Hi friends and family!
As I shared in September, I am on a journey to become a midwife.
I’ve wrestled through the decision on what training and credentialing to pursue and even
took a little sidetrack exploring medical school. But I’ve settled on the decision to become a nurse-midwife. This means I’ll become an RN first and then get a masters in midwifery.
There are still a lot of decisions to make. Some of which are completely out of my control.
The next step is completing my prereqs:
- I’m currently taking Anatomy & Physiology I and Microbiology (and am loving it!).
- Next quarter I’ll take Anatomy & Physiology II and Lifespan Psychology (and I may add in a chemistry class for “fun”).
- This summer I’ll take a quick CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) course, which I’ve heard is helpful for getting acclimated to the nursing culture.
In June I’ll apply to the ADN (Associates in Nursing) at Wenatchee Valley College for the fall quarter. The program is 2 years long. Upon graduation I will qualify to take the NCLEX-RN exam after which I will be able to apply to master’s programs for midwifery. The midwifery program will probably take 3 years.
So if all goes well I’ll be in school until 2020!
So far it’s been amazing to see God orchestrate so many details that continue to confirm that I’m moving in the right direction, including some awesome financial aid for tuition!
At first I was itching to finish my education as quickly as possible, but I’m learning to enjoy each step of the journey instead of just focusing on the end result. It’s been a refreshing change in perspective. After a month back in school I feel like I’ve found my groove. The work is challenging but I am energized by the learning. If you’re curious about what I’m learning you can check out my digital flashcards.
Well… I’m off to take a two-hour exam on all the bones in the body and read up on viruses that transfer DNA from one bacteria to another.
With love,
Krista Joy
5 responses to “What’s next on my midwifery journey”
Hi Krista,
You look fabulous! Thanks for sharing your journey. Super excited for you and it is wonderful to hear you are listening to what God wants from you. Sounds like a lot of hard work ahead, but from the sounds of it, you are up to the challenge. 2020 sounds so far off; however, it will be here before you know it so enjoy each step of your journey. God bless you and may your eyes be forever looking up to our Savior for his strength, guidance, patience, understanding, and knowledge. My life verse, to share with you, Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God
Lots of love, Yvette P.
Thanks, Yvette. It’s great to hear from you. Rachel and I were just talking about your family the other day. I hope you all are well.
Good day Krista,
I love your last article on CNM vs CPM. I am just finished taking the same classes you listed above. I have been searching for such article for a long time and you have no idea about how much it helped me narrow out my decision. I am taking my prerequisites now but would apply for my Bachelor’s by spring 2018. Do you think it is better to go for my bachelors degree in nursing, then masters in midwifery or associates in nursing, then master’s?
Daisy, congratulations on making the decision to go to nursing school! I’m so glad that my blog has helped you on your journey. To answer your question, I don’t think there’s a “better” option. I think it really depends on works best for you and helps you meet your goals. Here are some data points:
*Research has shown improved patient outcomes when nurses have their BSN (Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing).
* On the flip side, I’ve heard several nurses say they think ADN (Associates Degree in Nursing) programs offer more practical, hands-on clinical experience that results in a noticeable difference in how comfortable new nurses are with direct patient care when compared with new BSN grads. I think I’ve seen some threads about this on AllNurses.com also.
*Several programs have RN-to-MSN degrees bridges, so it’s possible to do an ADN and enter straight into a master’s program.
* I think that employment opportunities can vary depending on the state and area where you live. For example, some of the bigger hospitals in Seattle require a BSN for new nurses.
* I chose the ADN route simply due to finances. Tuition for my 2-year program was about $15,000 compared to the $20-30k/year options for 3-year BSN programs.
I’ve actually decided to not pursue midwifery. Through nursing school, I discovered so many other specialties that I enjoy so much more than Labor, Delivery and Postpartum.
Thanks a lot for shedding more light on this situation. Highly appreciated.